Monday, November 24, 2014

Australian Aboriginal Art

Australian Aboriginal Art
Australian Aboriginal art is art made by the Indigenous peoples of Australia.
Shocking actually..
Fun Fact:
If you say "Good. Eye. Might." you can't help but sound Australian.
The more you know.

We were asked to create our average day through symbols.
mine is split into 3 sections.
End of the night.

In the bottom left corner is where my dreaming takes place.
I dream of random adventures with friends.
where there is really no end to what I can do.
I am infinite.
Also I'm asleep & that makes me feel good.

moving counter-clockwise
(because my days feel backwards)
I go about my day bouncing from school to work,
seeing people on the streets,
talking with customers,
& being in a jumble of thoughts & actions.

After a long day I am able to rest.
I get to be with the people I love,
listening to music,
talking about nonsense,
dancing to nothing at all,
& ultimately
wind down from a long day.

Through this project I learned
That even though our day may seem boring when talking about it,
we can make our day stand out above the rest.
We all made our day to day routine,
& all were vastly different but surprisingly similar.
I also learned that stippling takes forever.
I like it a whole heap.

I did what I did
because it was literally my day.
full of shenanigans & all sorts of random adventures.
It was difficult to do because I had to take something boring and make it fun.
but I enjoyed the challenge.

This is a great project for...
> Patience Building <
> Finding a way to incorporate symbols <
> Finding different meanings for simple things <
> making your daily life look beautiful <

For a Step-By-Step Tutorial
Click Here

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