Tuesday, November 25, 2014


a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
Watch the video for a little taste of rhythm.
We were prompted to make a visual rhythm.
"Trashin' the Camp" from Tarzan was stuck in my head that day.
My masterpiece was created:
I absolutely loved this project.
It was so fun to make a visual rhythm.
Music has always been a big part of my life & it was challenging to make the music visual.
I loved the contrast of the colors with the black background.
it made the rhythm more prominent & it was almost instant gratification.
I liked exploring with the movement of the objects and the structures I could create.
Through this project I learned
you can literally make anything into visual art.
if the music moves you why not make it move through objects, paint, or other materials??
We have to learn how to express ourselves
especially through teaching.
If we can do that for our students they can do it for the world.
I did what I did
because it felt right.
I didn't have to put any thought into this project.
I just let my mind go & let the materials do the talking.
I focused on the beat of my song...
(The popsicle sticks)
& then added the seemingly random shapes into the empty spaces.
kind of what
"Trashin' the Camp" sounds like to me.
& I love the way it turned out.
Hip Hip Hooray!
 ...This Project is a Great Way...
> To explore shapes <
> Create structure <
> Look at sound with a new perspective <
> New approach to pattern <
For a Jammin' Tutorial

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