Monday, November 24, 2014


form (fabric or a fabric item) by interlacing long threads passing in one direction with others at a right angle to them.
For this project we were asked to create a pattern with texture.
I started with a simple color pallet & just went to town
using ribbon, yarn, & other types of material.
It was fun exploring with different mediums
instead of pen to paper,
cutting & gluing,
we were able to create with the actual medium.
Through this project I learned that
You can create amazing things with different textures.
I played around a lot with the materials & got many different designs.
it was fun to influence the material to do different things.
it gave it visual texture & also feel.
It was hard to choose the final product but it turned out to my liking.
I did what I did
because it was fun.
 I was able to let my character shine through the various ribbons & other materials.
I also used my favorite colors...
which is always a plus.
overall I liked this outcome opposed to others that I created.
...This project is a great way to...
> Explore different mediums <
> Experiment with textures <
> Find ways to create pattern <
> & it really refines your fine motor skills <

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