Friday, November 28, 2014

Internal Texture

For visual art, it is the perceived surface quality of a work of art.
For this assignment is was the yummy kind.
the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
& there was definitely food.
This was a really fun assignment for me because of
1: I got to eat.
2: I have never experienced working with water color.
3: It would hopefully be a better outcome on a non-objective piece of artwork than the first one I did.
We split a large sheet of paper into 6 shapes.
I did the generic square because I'm super original.
We were then directed to the feast of treats.
This feast will probably go down as my best college meal.
No Lie.
As we ate each item on our plate we were asked to paint what we felt.
at first I felt like I belonged in the loony bin...
but I couldn't paint that.
after a few moments of truly feeling what I was eating and focusing on the taste
I was able to really enjoy myself.
I explored with a lot of different methods of water color use & I got a little carried away.
hence why I can't really remember which square is which food.
Through this project I learned
different techniques of using watercolor.
To think outside the box.
To not take things so literal in art.
relax & let the feelings I have direct me during abstract pieces.
that I really like watercolor.
& I'm not to shabby at it.
I did what I did
because I love color & design.
Especially experimenting with it.
It was also fun to look forward to the outcome with the solid boarders & crazy splatters in the spaces.
It was mostly art for art's sake on this project for me.
...This project is a great way for...
> Students to work non-objectively <
> Students to experience different senses through art <
> Students will explore water color <

For a Tasty Tutorial
Check This Out

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