Friday, November 28, 2014

Color Assignment

 the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye.
How these pieces of art came to be was through music.
The first one was the painting on the left.
Our professor put on this crazy noise.
I wouldn't even call it music.
it was stressful.
it was sporadic.
it was something else.
 we were only allotted to Black and White paint.
which is fine because I felt in the dark.
I tried to make the strokes flow together but it just looked like scribbles.
or maybe even whimsical.
The second painting on the right.
This one was a little more structured.
Our assignment was to take a basic shape with complementary colors to paint how we felt.
Soothing & Calm music came through the speakers.
I was a little upset that we couldn't venture from the colors and shape.
it made the art seem bland.
it was still fun to interpret.
Through this project I learned
That everyone interprets things incredibly different.
Some of the art work was very fun, structured and you could tell that the music moved them.
like mine,
you could tell how confused and out of their element they were.
but I learned that everything can be perceived differently,
and with each new perspective beauty is made.
I did what I did
because it's what the music made me feel like.
I have been around music my whole life
& I appreciate all of it and can feel something from it.
but in the first song,
I struggled and it obviously shows.
The second was easier but still shows signs of hesitation.
& that is truly how I felt.
This project is a great way for...
> Students to express themselves through paint and music <
> Students learn to interpret differently <
> Students identify complimentary colors and use them properly <

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