Friday, November 28, 2014


Alexander Calder
an American sculptor known as the originator of the mobile, a type of kinetic sculpture made with delicately balanced or suspended components which move in response to motor power or air currents. Calder’s stationary sculptures are called stabiles. He also produced numerous wire figures, notably for a miniature circus.
According to Wikipedia

For this assignment we were asked to recreate Alexander Calder's Circus as a class using wire.
Each of us had to choose something that reminded us of a circus.
I chose to do a zebra with an afro,
like Marty on Madagascar.

See the resemblance??
It was a mediocre attempt.

Through this project I learned
how to create art with different mediums.
I also learned that wire is not my thing.

I did what I did
because I knew it would be different from the rest of the class.
the first thing I thought of was an elephant...
the class made 5 elephants.
You might say I dodged a bullet.

This project is a great way for...
> Students to work with different mediums <
> Students will work their fine motor skills <
> Students will create 3-Dimentional art <
> Students will learn to simplify <

To see an example of how to make these fun circus images
Travel This Way

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