Monday, November 24, 2014

Gesture & Contour Line Drawings

Gesture & Contour Line Drawings
an artistic technique used in the field of art in which the artist sketches the contour of a subject by drawing lines that result in a drawing that is essentially an outline; the French word contour meaning, “outline.”
This assignment gave us the opportunity to explore the shapes and basic lines of random but common objects.
It was difficult for me at first due to the fact that I get hung up on detail.
it was fun to figure out the more prominent parts of the objects.
For the first drawing as you can see
was a stuffed animal
this sketch was quick and I paid little attention to the details of the characteristic & other elements.
In the second one however we were asked to draw it will a little more attention to detail but still keep it at a short amount of time.
I drew my 32oz drink from the gas station
 because it was the only thing on the table with me that was by the flowers. 
& I have one almost everyday.
it's a big part of my life.

Just kidding.
I couldn't find my drink...
I drew my stuffed animal with more detail.
Here you go.
This one was surprisingly harder.
with the basic strokes done in the first drawing it was easier to find the shape of the animal.
with this one I couldn't get the shape of the animal right & it was frustrating because it didn't turn out how I wanted it to.
It was definitely a learning experience.
Through this project I learned
that sometimes in art we need to stop & take a second to rethink the fundamentals.
Ask ourselves:
What is the basic shape of the object?
Is it round or straight?
By weeding out the aspects of the picture you don't  need to focus on in the beginning you narrow it down to the detail.
Sort of like a puzzle...
The majority of people start a puzzle by placing the 4 corner pieces,
continuing the outside edge.
not until that is done does someone start in the middle.
Same concept with gesture & contour drawings.
start with the outline & work from there.
I did what I did
because it was easy & my giraffe is just too cute.
& I feel like flowers are always the cop out.
 because of the simplicity I feel like it helped me better understand the purpose to this exercise.
like stated above:
start with the basic outline then work from there.
...This Project is a Great Way...
> for students to explore shape <
> for students to learn about the simple details rather than the complex ones, we as people tend to get hung on <
> for students to gain a better concept of their muscle movements in large strokes <

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