Friday, November 28, 2014

Alien Names

 of or from outside the earth or its atmosphere,  hypothetical or fictional being from outer space, especially an intelligent one.
For this project we were asked to make an alien out of our names. 
By doing this we folded a piece of construction paper in half,
wrote our name on the side of the fold however we wanted.
I chose to do cursive.

Others did block letters,
their own handwriting,
or even in a different language.

we cut around the letters we wrote & when we opened it up
our names looked like little creatures.

As part of this assignment we were asked to create beauty.
What makes this creature beautiful?
What do the surroundings say about beauty?
It was completely set up for unique qualities.

Through this assignment I learned
that there are all sorts of different perspectives about what can be beautiful,
also how to work with different shapes in order to create something that may not seem like something could be made out of it.
It is a good project to see how unique your name can be.
In class we even got to see how different the name "Sarah" could be due to different handwritings & overall interpretation.

I did what I did
because I wanted it to be cute & fun.
Making the aliens innocent looking was a good contrast to the other students in the class.
innocence isn't really seen as beautiful in our culture today.
Scandalous images rule our world.
& that's what people strive to look like.
when in reality they can be simple, cute and effortless.

This project is a great way for...
> Students to create something unique that is a part of their daily lives <
> Explore options <
> Create beauty <

It's time for a tutorial:)
 Step 1:
Fold an 8"x11" piece of construction paper in half.
it dose not matter which way.
in above picture the paper was folded long ways...
"hot dog" for all you normal people.

 Step 2:
Write your name.

Make sure it is written on the side with the fold.
as shown in the picture.

 Step 3:
Outline your name for a cutting pathway.

 Step 4:
Cut out your name.
 Your name should look like this once the cutting is done.

 Step 5:
Open up your name cut-out.
You now have an alien:)

 Step 6:
Design your alien with different features that you see as beautiful.

Once your alien is complete.
Glue it to your poster board.

 Step 7:
Make its environment.
In this case, the alien looked like a sea creature,
so we put him in the ocean.

Here it is.
The final product.

Special Thanks to my Sister
for creating such a masterpiece.

Click HERE for another tutorial that is
see what I did there?? ;)

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