Friday, November 28, 2014

Expanding 8

Expanding 8
For this project we were asked to get into groups.
Each of us were given (x,y) coordinates that we were asked to graph on a piece of projector paper.
Each of us were given different coordinates.
but when they were placed on top of each other they built off of each other.
 my group thought that this concept was interesting so we kept going with it.
at the end of the paper we decided to switch it up and create layers.
we wanted it to stay abstract,
while a lot of the other groups made objects out of the points.
Through this project I learned
That while integrating art into other subjects it doesn't need to be boring.
I really enjoyed working with other students on this project.
I feel that if I had to do it on my own it would have been tedious & not as fun.
We did what we did
because we all like the idea of abstract art.
& we liked the way it was turning out without all the extra add ins.
simplicity was key.
This project is a great way for...
> Students to work in a team <
> Students will understand the mathematical concepts <
> Students will create art using math <

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