Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Non-Objective Squares.

Non- Objective Squares
Abstract art, nonfigurative art, nonobjective art, and nonrepresentational art are loosely related terms. They are similar, but perhaps not of identical meaning. Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction of imagery in art.

For this project we were given the task to create a image that had was completely abstract.
In other words:
No Images
No Representation
I'm talking...nothing.
Like if I look at this piece of artwork I won't see the Brady Bunch sitting around a table with a home cooked meal...
It Is Completely & Utterly Up To Interpretation.
At first I didn't entirely understand the concept.
I know silly.
but I created this:
As you can see it is a city scape...
it was not originally planned to be that but my mind went on its own creative rant
Ultimately I had to re-due it...
Even though it's pretty freaking sweet.
(in my humble opinion)
& will now reside on my wall in my apartment.
For the re-due of this assignment I let the paint be entirely in charge of creating the image.
(with a little help of a blow dryer...)
From a corner of the 12x12 canvas,
I put a very generous blob of paint & began to run around my front yard,
shaking the canvas,
turning it around,
blow drying the paint to move in different directions,
then later going over the lines to smooth them out just a little bit,
but not too much because art doesn't always have to be "clean-cut perfection".
Through this project I learned
It is hard for adults to think abstractly...
& couldn't imagine how easy or hard it would be for children.
On one end of the spectrum, it would be easy because it is simple lines with "no meaning"
on the other end the children have been engraved with the mind set that things are as they appear.
For Example:
A child will draw a Cat.
Round face, Pointed Ears, Whiskers, Long curly tail.
if the ears change in this instance,
it is no longer a cat in their mind.
it may be a dog, bear, or monkey...
with that being said I feel that it would be harder for children to do this assignment.
but, it is also a great way to encourage a developing mind the explore more creative methods.
I did what I did
in this assignment because like stated above,
it is hard for people,
me included,
to think abstractly when everything seems to be so organized in this world.
 That is why I let the paint take its course & I was merely the tool of movement for the paint to spread across the page.
...This Project Is A Great Way...
> for children to explore the unknown <
> for children to think outside the box <
> be a little less structured to the means of what is what around them < 

For a Tutorial
Check This Out

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