Wednesday, October 22, 2014


The Mandala
a geometric figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism.

For this project though,
instead of representing the Hindu Culture,
we took it to a more personal level.

This Mandala Represents Me.

Starting in the middle I drew my favorite flower: Lily
Surrounding the lily there is fire:  I love fires, they intrigue me...fear not, it is not in a pyromaniac psychotic way.
Coming out of the flames are multiple Dream Catchers:  These remind me of childhood because they were a big part of the decorations in my home & I also have a tendency to dream unreasonably big.
The dream catchers have feathers hanging off them to symbolize the bird, one of my favorite animals & also the freedom that birds express in my eyes.
Antlers extend from the dream catchers & flames to symbolize my love for the outdoors & the many activities that I partake in at my favorite place in the world, my cabin.
The night sky fills the remainder of the page to show my obsession with the stars.
Within the sky there is a depiction of Aurora Borealis, which is one of the top world wonders in the world that I would like to see before I die.
In the corners, there is a Lightening Bolt that represents my favorite type of weather, overcast or rain storms.
Over the whole piece I tried to not use a lot of color, more so, lack of vibrant color because I am a very black & white thinker when it comes to art.

Through this project I learned that
 it can be difficult to pick & choose particular aspects of your life to show who you truly are, in a visually appealing way.
Also, the meanings of every mandala are vastly different & can be interpreted differently.

My favorite part of this assignment was when we all stood up in front of the class & explained our artwork to each other.
The creativity was crazy because what looked like something so simple could mean so much to someone.

I did what I did
 because it really did capture a lot of who I was
through my eyes & also through the eyes of others who I admire.

This project is a great way for...

> children learn to use a focal point & pattern <
> children to express themselves <
> children learn more about themselves as well <

For a How-To Tutorial
Click Here :)

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