Monday, December 8, 2014


Fantasy Animal
The question was asked:
I began the lesson by reading "The Mixed Up Chameleon" By Eric Carle
(See the video above)
Then asked the children to think of what kind of animal they would create if they could mix any animals they wanted.
As they contemplated what they would make I created:
The Squidderphant.
Once the kids saw how to do it & understood.
They went nuts.
So many crazy animals were created & only a few students had a problem.
For example:
McKenna S.
She started to stack animals.
Not combine them together.
I asked her to draw her 3 favorite animals.
Which were:
She drew them in full.
I then asked her to cut them into three pieces...
Body, Head, Feet.
She did it willingly.
Then we both started combining them. 
A turtle head, panda body and fish tail!!
Combination after combination had her and the students laughing hysterically at the weird creations.
Until she concluded with the Ellasoris, as pictured above.
All the students did great, but due to a lack of time the environments they lived in were not created.
Here are some of the student's work on display in the hallway.
This project is a good way for...
> Students to create something wild & crazy <
> Students learn about body characteristics <
> Students learn to combine objects <
> Students learn to think of & create an imaginary animal <

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