Monday, December 8, 2014

Milk Jug Mask

African masks are traditionally used in rituals and ceremonies,
in the African culture.

I absolutely loved this assignment!!!
Masks were always a prominent thing that my art instructor in high school would have me design.
Because I loved it,
it was part of my family's culture,
& apparently I was good at it.
When I could make a tangible mask,
not just draw it.
I was ecstatic!

I started by looking at all the possible angles of our milk jug,
staying far away from the handle.
I did not want to make a nose.
Once I found the perfect face I began cutting away.
Once my mask was formed,
I started to lay scotch tape horizontally across the whole mask.
then little pieces around the eye sockets.
I painted it with black shoe polish.
Then added bright colors, beads and hair,
in a fashionable way.

My little mask turned out just like I wanted it to.
but some said it looked like a voodoo head.
the whole,
"Look it's my mother, and she hasn't aged a bit" scene in various movies.
Such as Princess and The Frog.
But my friend from Africa liked it...
I think I did a good job.

Through this project I learned...
That very different & unique things can be made out of the same object.
In this case, a Milk Jug.
I learned that various materials that you wouldn't think to use can create textures and finishes that you would expect.
Like Shoe Polish.
Who woulda thunk?

I did what I did..
because I wanted it to look more tribal,
rather than earthy.
if that makes any sense.
I wanted a dark base with brighter colors to contrast,
& I like black better than brown in general.
It also wasn't too popular with the people in class,
so I liked not being the cookie cutter mold & doing my own thing.

This project is a great way for...
> Students to learn about the African Culture <
> Students to see what they can create with random everyday objects <
> Make something that they are excited about <

To learn how to create other masks like mine
Check This Out

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