Monday, December 8, 2014

Museum Visit

I honestly can't remember the name of the piece or the artist of which this was inspired by.
I love it :)
It took me back to my childhood,
where every Fall my dad, sister & I would drive up the canyon to collect leaves.
We would arrange them just like we did in this activity.
Then we would frame them & give them to family members as Christmas presents.
It was my favorite gift to give every year
& to this day they are still hanging up in our house & cabin.
I'm excited to add this one to the collection
even though it doesn't need to be on here,
I feel like it is very beneficial to children.
This Project is a Great Way For...
> Students to experiment with color schemes <
> Students work with warm & cool colors <
> Students learn about the changing of the leaves & why it happens <

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